By Amanda Mathis, a local college student
As I open my eyes from the darkness of night, I see light that shines through my curtain. Each day presents itself with beams of warmth and illumination. I get out of bed and get ready for a new day filled with experiences and sensation. I walk to the kitchen and am greeted with kind smiles and eyes. To know others care for me and love me in ways I will n...
The LGBTQ+ community suffers from high rates of substance use. Up to 30% of the LGBTQ+ community struggles with substance use compared to 9% of the general population. Why is this? Some factors include their experiences of bullying, hate, discrimination, stigmatization, rejection by those around them including their family and/or peers, isolation, and other extreme stressors. LGBTQ+ youth and youn...
Someone in this country dies by suicide every 12 minutes, but suicide deaths are not inevitable. For every person who dies by suicide, 278 individuals think seriously about suicide but do not die. For some, the difference may be connecting with a compassionate, trained crisis center volunteer or staff member who is ready to help them when they need it most. In recognition of the need to provide im...
You deserve to be happy and live a long life full of good moments.
Written by a Ventura County high school student.
Have I ever tried to kill myself? Yes, twice. Both times were unsuccessful.
Life was hard and I was done. I had many internal problems and demons that I wanted to get rid of. Slitting my lower stomach seemed like the best option for me, but it didn’t work. I guess I did not press ...
The BRITE program does not promote any unlawful use of drugs or alcohol.