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Dear Disappointment Sep 21, 2023

The following letter was written by Israel Lozano during our 2020 weekly writing group, The Green Walls Writer’s Project, in response to a prompt to write a letter to our feelings. 

Dear Disappointment,

It’s been six years since we’ve first met. Knowing you, you’re probably planning to surprise me with something soon. Maybe some seasonal depression, anxiety during my annual speeches, you might e...

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Teen Mind Aug 30, 2023

Written by Sofia Noriega, a Ventura County high school student, featuring artwork by Sophie Kadan.

I can’t smile,

I think about homework 24/7,

When I am supposed to be having fun.


I can’t smile,

I think about the past,

When I should be thinking about the present.


I can’t smile,

I think about my exhausted feelings,

When I should bring out my happy side.


I can’t smile because ...

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Dealing With Anxiety Jul 14, 2023

Written by a CSUCI student.

Anxiety has never been an easy thing to deal with. For as long as I can remember, I have always had this anxious feeling I could never shake off and feeling like I was always on a deadline. This was normal to me; at first, I thought everyone felt like this, but now I know that is not the case. I used to think everyone lived their life feeling worried and not being able...

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You Are Not Alone Nov 16, 2022

This post was written by a CSUCI student.

I cannot remember the first time I had a panic attack, but I do remember the most recent panic attack I had. Being a senior in college has brought a lot of stress to me because not only is it my last semester but having to think about grad school and what you are doing after graduation is stressful. There are times I catch myself wanting to give up and ju...

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Graduation Stress May 19, 2022

Stressed about graduation? It's gonna be okay.

Written by David Zecua, a CSU Channel Islands Service Learning student.

Our semesters are quickly coming to an end and for many students, the end of the school year may be an exciting thing to look forward to and anticipate. It can also be stress- and anxiety-inducing for students having to deal with final exams or upcoming projects that are difficu...

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You Don’t Need Drugs to Deal with Life Apr 27, 2022

This post was written by a CSUCI Service-learning student. 

Hello Everyone! I am writing this blog to give people some healthy alternatives to dealing with life that do not involve drugs or alcohol. Growing up in a drug-addicted family where most of my relatives did drugs was very stressful because I got to see the negative effects and tolls that drug and alcohol consumption have on the addict an...

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Self-Harm: Treatment, Coping, and Why People Self-Harm Apr 01, 2022


People often keep their habit a secret, but the urge to self-harm isn’t uncommon, especially in adolescents and young adults. Many overcome it with treatment.

Whether a person has recently started hurting his or herself or has been doing it for a while, there is an opportunity to improve health and reduce behaviors. Talking to a doctor or a trusted friend or family member is the first ...

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8 Ways To Deal With Depression During The Gloomy Days Of Winter Apr 01, 2022

Here at BRITE, we include a focus on mental health and wellness as a component of our drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs. When you take care of yourself and feel grounded, you are more likely to see things clearly and make better decisions. We found this article’s tips helpful, especially during the darkest season of the year when we tend to hibernate and our thoughts can become dark and c...

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Teens, Technology Use, and Mental Health Mar 30, 2022

Are today’s teens and young adults at risk of developing depression and anxiety due to our constant use of technology, screen time, and social media? And does this impact their alcohol and drug use or abuse? How can parents encourage healthy use of technology and better coping mechanisms that will enhance teens’ mental health rather than create more problems for them in the future?

In an age when...

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Simply More Than a Word Mar 28, 2022

This piece is by Isabel Mercado, a writer and a senior at Ventura High School.

Anxious. The word itself when muttered trembles out of your mouth with the worrisome fear it is being a nuisance in your vocabulary. The “x” in Anxious is much like the feeling, unexpected and quite frankly, uncalled for. Break this word into syllables, An-xious, each flustered on the tip of my tongue represent the une...

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Tools to Cope with Anxiety as a Student Mar 25, 2022

This post was written by CSUCI student Paige Egizi.

The first time I had a panic attack, I was in junior high. I got a bad grade on a test and I did not want my parents to find out. The idea of them finding out about my grade, the fact I got that grade, and all the other things I was dealing with had caught up to me. I was in my room with my dad and I could not stop crying, my chest felt tight, I...

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 The BRITE program does not promote any unlawful use of drugs or alcohol.