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Marijuana and Driving – No Big Deal? Aug 10, 2022

This article was written by a CSUCI student.

There aren’t too many issues that collect the attention of so many as marijuana. This has been a heavily debated topic regarding its legalization for several decades, and appears to have almost no end in sight. Those that advocate for legalization claim that it has various health benefits such as pain relief and relief from traumatic disorders like PTS...

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Driving Challenges May 13, 2022

Written by David Zecua, a CSU Channel Islands Service Learning student.

How do you feel when you drive? Challenges on the road such as slow vehicles, heavy traffic, or bad weather can make you feel nervous when driving. Having a passenger or two or listening to loud music can be distracting as well. Imagine how much harder those challenges can be when you get behind the wheel impaired while under...

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Impaired Driving: How Marijuana, Alcohol, and Prescription Drugs Can Affect You Apr 27, 2022

What is Impaired Driving?

Impaired driving is operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, legal or illegal drugs.

Alcohol-impaired driving

Alcohol has a significant effect on driving skills due to its depressant effects. While under the influence of alcohol, drivers can misjudge their capabilities and experience the following:

  • Decreased reaction time due to slower reflexes
  • Fee...
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The Dangers of Impaired Driving Apr 01, 2022

In an average year, 30 million Americans drive drunk, and 10 million Americans drive impaired by illicit drugs. A 2010 survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) revealed that 13.2 percent of all people aged 16 or older drove under the influence of alcohol and 4.3 percent drove under the influence of illicit drugs during the past year. Furthermore, rates of im...

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 The BRITE program does not promote any unlawful use of drugs or alcohol.