A Burning Question
Dec 27, 2022Written by Israel Lozano, a BRITE youth spokesperson.
Our souls are like a candle
We start with one spark
And ultimately wait until it’s put out
Once again, left in the dark
Candles aren’t meant to be long lasting
Earth, wind, water, even fire
Our flames can diminish like
Dried up spinach and while we hope our flame
Just lasts longer than the rest
That’s not how candles work
That’s not how our souls work
So when we don’t fan our desires
But just try and keep the candle new
Keep the candle the way it started
Instead of feeding passion, heat
Preserve the past you couldn’t keep
When we meet other souls
And they tell us that’s who we should be
Suddenly we’re mimes, mimicry
Years of hearing
“You’re so mature for your age
Wise, responsible
You’re not like whoever these days.”
When did we start accepting
That candles have to light themselves?
When was it okay to say “Be an adult”
To the same people who don’t know
How to pay taxes, how to pay rent
How to drive, how to begin to cement
A legacy, how to even begin to show society
Fiscal worth, let alone personal worth
We don’t expect candles to light themselves
Why do we expect a lot of our youth
To earn respect they haven’t learned
Why do we expect our youth to
Ignite their own passions
When we haven’t lit up enough of whatever flame
Is still hidden within their name?
And when the candle melts
You can always find a new one to reignite
But how do you reignite a person
Once they’ve been melted and left in darkness?
Left only to remember
The first ignition
But not the second, third, fourth fanning
So we walk into adulthood
Told we’re barely good for one thing
And we just think, damn
Why are adults so damn unhappy?